About Me
My name is Liv Avery. I know my life is short (39 and counting) and I am too (5 feet to be exact) but that does not get in the way of me making the most of my time here. I am a restless individual that has an extreme passion for exploration and adventure (travel, hiking, crafting, photography and more). This world is filled with infinite options and sometimes, frankly, it’s challenging knowing where or how to start (but taking that leap into your dreams is the best thing you can ever do). I am uncertain of where my journey will take me but want to experience a truly meaningful life. Though, I don’t know where I am heading (some may say I’m just lost), I can share where I’ve been (72 countries so far) and what I’ve learned along the way. I hope that my undetermined path can lead, inspire, and guide you on the journey of your own.
About My life
I grew up in a small city in Connecticut and lived there for my first 18 years. Most of my travels during these years were drivable locations in the area as my parents weren’t huge into travel. My first big international trip was through the Girl Scouts to Italy, France and Spain during high school and I fell in love with traveling. I went away for college which was an amazing experience. I had always dreamed of studying abroad and it is still one of my big regrets from my college days. After graduating university, I went to medical school. This is where I met some of my most travel forward friends and truly my passion for travel blossomed. Medical school and residency were grueling with no money and minimal off time but I managed to cram in as much travel between and by living frugally. I continued to live below my means after finishing 11 years of schooling in order to pay back insane student loans but now I had much more free time and ability to travel so things really took flight. Most of my travels to this point were with friends or solo trips including some medical rotations abroad. I planned to take a year off of working to travel around the world and I was lucky enough to find someone just before the plans who was willing to take that leap with me. Thomas and I traveled to 21 countries over the course of the year with various friends joining at different parts. Now back to normal living, I continue to travel every opportunity I get. Thomas and I got married as destination wedding in Canada. Now we are expecting and get to bring a new little traveler into this crazy beautiful world! Like I said, I really don’t know where I am going but this adventure is just getting started!
About My blog
I started this endeavor in 2020 and made the website live in 2021. It has been a complete learning process for me as this is my first ever website or blog. My first international trip was to Canada with my family before you required a passport to visit. My first foreign trip requiring a passport was in 2001 to Italy, France and Spain. My next monumental trip, that really sealed my travel addiction, was in 2007 to Peru and Ecuador. Since that trip, I’ve made traveling a top priority. In 2016, I quit my job to travel around the world for a year. Currently, I have a full time job and still travel whenever possible. I consistently fantasize about my next long term travel. I’ve been rehashing all my previous travels to make this blog come to life while posting my newer travels as well. I am obsessed with taking photos of my travels. All photos on this website are my own. While exploring my blog, I hope you enjoy my passions, travel inspiration and my favorite section the misadventures of all my craziest travel stories.