take that leap!

To me there was almost nothing scarier than doing my first bungee jump.  I had already been sky diving and thought “Oh this won’t be so bad”.  But there is something utterly different in the decision yourself to take the plunge. Having done tandem skydiving, it was a whirlwind experience and as a novice you are strapped in with a professional as tandem to do all the “dirty work”. You sit at the edge of the plane and before you even have time to think is this happening you are out of the plane wind in your face smiling as gravity drags you to the earth.

Bungee jumping you are standing there inching your feet slowly to the edge, taking a deep breath and diving forward. The first time I did it they did a countdown and I was still standing on the edge of the bridge platform. I convinced myself I would do it on the next countdown and there I still stood. After a threaten of being pushed if I did not go, I finally committed and took the dive and never looked back. If you have a fear of heights this will tremendously help you get over it. You will have an incredible rush of free falling.

If you are considering doing it, you absolutely should!

It’s a beautiful way to see the world, feel the rush of free falling through the sky and plunge into conquering your fears.

top places in the world to bungee jump

This list is not exhaustive but some top places you should consider checking out if you are into bungee jumping!

1. Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge-China-260 meters

2. Maccu Tower-China-233 meters

3. Contra Dam/Verzaca Dam-Switzerland-220 meters

4. Bloukrans Bridge-South Africa-216 meters 

5. Rio Grande Gorge Bridge-United States- 206 meters

6. Europe Bridge- Austria-192 meters

7. Niouc Bridge-Switzerland-190 meters

8. Artuby Bridge-France-182 meters

9. Vidraru Dam-Romania-166 meters

10. Last Resort/Bhote Kosi River Bungee-Nepal-160 meters

11. Nevis Highwire-New Zealand-134 meters

11. Victoria Falls at the Border of Zambia and Zimbabwe-108 meters

12. Ponte De Ponsonnas-France-103 meters

13. Souleuvre Viaduct-France-61 meters- get dunked in the river

14. Urban Bungee-England- off crane

15.Kawarau Bridge- New Zealand- The first bungee jump-43 meters 


If you are absolutely extreme, you can check out the Volcano Bungee in Pucon, Chile. You fly up to 10,000 feet in a helicopter and bungee jump from that helicopter above this incredible volcano.