People travel for a number of different reasons. There are a number of things that can get in the way of travel but once you start you will never look back because of all the positive things it offers and the transformation you will begin to see in yourself.

LEARNING ABOUT other cultures
When you travel, you may be in a new place where you do not speak the language, understand the customs, or know where you are going. It is incredible to immerse yourself in the local culture. You will see that not every place does things the same and you may learn some fantastic traditions and beliefs that you would like to impart in your life. Diving into local experiences and interacting with local people will heighten your appreciation for the place you are visiting.
appreciating nature
This planet has abundant beauty. What is absolutely stunning is how different landscapes can amaze us. From the mountains, lakes, oceans, islands, forests and skies, earth never ceases to amaze us all. Getting out to see our various climates, landscapes, wildlife will always leave you breathless and make you truly appreciate nature.
Look deeper into nature, and then you will understand everything better
Albert Einstein
Trying new things
When you travel you are more likely to try a variety of new things that will enhance your senses. Do you want to hike a volcano, parasail off a cliff, take a boat tour to an island, and the list goes on. You will try new foods and drinks. You will experience new forms of entertainment. You will get to see things and do things you never thought possible and then you will add other new things you want to try in the future.
Do one thing everyday that scares you
Eleanor Roosevelt
When you see what life has to offer you really start to appreciate all you have. Free from your daily routines and things you need to do you can think clearly. On vacation you can focus on your true passions and loves. You can explore, relax, and do the things that matter most to you. Your creativity can come alive. You can see the world through a different point of view and reflect on the positive and negative things in your life to evoke positive changes. It makes you feel more alive than ever.
Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were going to live forever.
When you travel you open the door to meeting several incredible people around the world. You will meet locals. You will meet travelers. You may keep in touch or they may stay in your memories but either way these people have made an impact on your lives.
Traveling evokes a natural feeling out of your comfort zone feeling. You may be in a new place where you do not speak the language, understand the customs, or know where you are going. You will see how you react to traveling in these conditions. You will learn that travel plans don’t away go as they are planed and you will need to be adaptable and patient. You will learn if you appreciate being more with others on your travels or having your own free time. You will find out what pace you want to go at and what is important for you to get out of your trip. You will learn about cultures and nature and reflect on your values and what is important in your life. You can realize your passions and make them a reality. It will give you a new perspective on life and yourself so you continue making positive changes to achieve your ideal self. hen you will add other new things you want to try in the future.
Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves
Henry David Thoreau