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One Day Do It Yourself Guide to Toledo Spain

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toledo spain

Toledo is located about 70 km south of Madrid. It is the most popular day trip from Madrid and for good reason. It is known for its rich history and cultural heritage, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Toledo was once the capital of Spain and has been influenced by a variety of cultures, including Roman, Visigoth, Jewish, and Muslim. You can join a guided bus tour from Madrid or you can easily do it yourself with a train trip and by walking. Read more below on how to do it yourself!

your visit

Planning your day trip from madrid

You should plan for at least 8 hours to hit all main spots. We took 850 am train arrived 9:20 am and returned to Madrid at 5:25 pm arriving back at 5:55pm. I definitely would have felt very rushed if I had less time. If you want to have dinner in Toledo I would add more time and come back on a later train. You can pre-purchase your tickets online and have QR code to board the train or you can buy at the station. If you decide to buy at the station make sure to add some additional time. 

Another big tip for planning your trip is to avoid Mondays if possible. Several of the tourist attractions and monuments in Toledo are closed on Monday so if it is possible it is much better to visit on another day of the week. We visited on Tuesday which was perfect!

Wear really comfortable shoes as you will be walking a lot!

First stop the Mirador

The Mirador which surrounds the city giving a great view of the city is a must when visiting Toledo.  The way the sun works is that from the Mirador you will get the sun hitting the city in the morning and afternoon with the sun setting behind the city causing a silhouette at sunset. I would recommend walking the Mirador in morning after train. You can get to the first stop and turn back but if you are like us you may be captivated and want to see more. If you just walk to the Mirador de Valle it is 2.4 km from the train station.  If you turn back there you can cross into the city at Ronda la Juanelo for a total of 3.8 km and 48 minutes. Once you hit a certain point it is almost worth it to continue forward to the San Martin Gate. From the train to all the miradors and by entering San Martin Gate is 4.7 km and about 1 hour walking. If you enter the city via the San Martin Gate,  you will be close to the Monasterio de San Juan.  You could probably hire a taxi to bring you from train station to Mirador and then into the city as well if you prefer less walking or more time to explore within the city. 

Next stop buy the tourist wristband

Buy the tourist bracelet for 12 euros at any of the 7 included monuments. The wrist band allows entry into 7 places. Can stamp along the way with the map they give you! It is well worth the price of entry. It is consider invalid if the band is broken or removed from your wrist. As we entered through the San Martin Gate, our first stop was the Monasterio de San Juan which was incredible. We proceeded from there to the Sinagoga de Santa Maria La Blanca. Next was the San Tome Church which has the famous Greco piece El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz. 

Next a viewpoint at the Jesuit Church

There are several amazing viewpoints within the city walls. One not to be missed viewpoint is at the Iglesia de los Jesuitas. This church is included on the tourist bracelet or you can enter for 3 euros.  Once inside, you’ll climb 131 stairs to the roof for the view. The church itself is very nice inside as well!


Toledo is bursting with tons of restaurants and options for food. You can grab quick food to a full meal. Toledo loves meat stew so that is worth seeking out. Toledo is the home of Marzipan so it is worth getting a sample of this to try. 

Other stops on tourist bracelet 

We hit up two other of the seven monuments of the tourist bracelet. We went to the Iglesia del Salvador and Mezquita del Cristo de la Luz . The Mezquita is located right next to the Puerta del Sol. 

Next stop the must visit toledo cathedral

The Toledo cathedral costs 10 euros to enter. You should expect to spend at least 1-2 hours here. I would highly recommend audio guide which you can use for free however you need 50 euros cash deposit for the audio guide. You will get your 50 euros back after you return the guide. It is well worth your time and money. 

Alcazar and Biblioteca

We strolled around the Alcazar. The Alcazar of Toledo houses the military museum if you want to go in. We skipped out on this given timing. We did however go into the library. The Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha (library) has a café with great view and free to enter. 

Wrapping up the day

We started our journey back toward the train. From the area of the Alcazar the walk to the train station is only about 15 minutes across the Puente de Alcántara Bridge. Given our timing we were crossing as the sun was setting behind the city. It was beautiful. We boarded the train for the short ride back to Madrid. It was a perfect day trip! 

Your Toledo trip

You will absolutely adore this charming city. It has so much to offer whether you make a day trip of it or decide to spend a night, you won’t regret it!