Uncertainty is just a fact of life. There are certain things you can plan for and strive to achieve but never does everything go according to plan. Like roller coasters, there are ups and downs in life. However, unlike roller coasters, there aren’t always clear tracks we follow all the time. That is the beauty of life, we can always change. Some people fall into habits and like the same things all the time. I am not one of them. I like the thrill of new experiences and adventures. I seek out new things to learn, ways to become better and novel experiences to have. But sometimes it is hard to make that leap of change.
There have been several times in my life where I wish I just had the answer or knew exactly what was going to happen next so I could prepare for it. Not knowing was driving me nuts. There were times where I finally had the freedom to choose to only be overcome by possibilities and stunted by my direction. There is an anxiety in making that first step into anything and not knowing if it is going to be the right choice. But not choosing or not taking the opportunity is just as much a decision as doing it

steps to overcome
There are several ways to combat this life uncertainty when you feel like your path in life is completely undetermined. You are determined to live your best life but don’t know how to do it. Don’t worry. Go through these steps and hopefully you will feel some more clarity for helping you on your journey.
1. Be kind to yourself
Don’t beat yourself for not having the answer. You don’t have to make the perfect choice. You just have to start and you can change your direction later. Negativity or putting yourself down will only slow your ability to make the decisions you need to make. Think of what type of advice you would give a friend who is in your shoes. Would you be generous and supportive of your friend? Now do the same for yourself.
2. Control what you can and let go of what you cannot
3. Seek support
4. Pay attention to what is important
5. Invest in yourself
6. Start today