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The four must visit cities in Myanmar


Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is a country located in Southeast Asia. The country’s capital is Naypyidaw, and the largest city is Yangon. This country is bursting with impressive temples, beautiful scenery, and incredibly welcoming locals. It still feels untouched compared to some of the more popular Southeast Asian countries. There are some incredible things to see and do. For your visit you must go to these four cities and if more time you can consider adding some awesome other locations.

top cities Myanmar


This capital city is likely where you will be entering the country from and where your journey will begin. This is the largest city in Myanmar. While here you will get to experience markets, local commerce, and city life. The top tourist attraction that should not be missed is the Shwedagon Pagoda. It is the most famous pagodas not only in Myanmar but in the world and is a sacred Buddhist site. You also should explore the Sule Pagoda located in the middle of a modern part of town. Other incredible pagodas include Botataung, Kaba Aye, and Maha Wizaya. You can also check out the Chaukhtagyi Buddha Temple to experience one of the largest reclining Buddha statues in Myanmar measuring 217 feet long. Consider taking a stroll around Kandawgyi or Inya Lake or through Chinatown. Another interesting experience is to ride the circular train which takes you around the city. You can really see the mix of colonial and modern architecture. This city is bursting with incredible culture.

Lake Inle

Lake Inle is second largest freshwater lake in Myanmar and is a part of the Shan State. It is an iconic and unique place to visit in Myanmar. Here you will be able to tour via small boats to floating houses and markets. There is an abundance of handmade goods and silversmithing in this area. If you have time you can do a multi-day trek from Kalaw ending at Lake Inle. While here you can check out the Phaungdawoo Pagoda or visit the Cultural Museum. Renting a bike to get around is a great way to take in the sites. Also consider checking out Red Mountain Winery for some epic views- even better at sunset! The Nga Phe Chaung Monastery is another highlight of this area as it is wooden monastery built on stilts. You will be mesmerized by the culture and natural beauty this lake has to offer.


Mandalay is the second largest city in Myanmar and is located on the Irrawaddy River. You should check out the U Bein Bridge which spans over the Taung-tha-man Inn Lake and is the longest teak bridge in the world. It is especially beautiful at sunset. The Kuthodaw Pagoda located at the base of Mandalay Hill and holds 730 stupas of marble inscribed with teachings of Buddha and thus represents the world’s largest book. Another incredible place with impressive history to explore is the Royal Palace of Mandalay. While here you can also indulge in a puppet show, massages, tea shops and more.


Bagan should be on every tourist’s wish list destinations. You will be awe inspired by this place. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and rightfully so as it has over 2,000 of the expected 10,000 Buddhist temples, pagodas and monasteries built between the 11-13th centuries. You can tour these sites via a tour or by renting an electric motorbike and going yourself. Another more costly but iconic way to experience Bagan is with a hot air balloon ride. Some of the top temples include Shwezigon Paya, Dhammayangyi Pahto, Nandamannya Paya, Nathlaung Kyaung, Shwesandaw Paya, Gawdawpalin Pahto, Lawkananda Paya, Ananda Pahto and more. Trust me this place will not disappoint.

Traveling Myanmar

Myanmar is one of the top places I’ve traveled to in the world. I would highly recommend it to anyone. You will be inspired and love the vibe it has. Beyond the above cities I was able to do the Kalaw trek, Hsipaw and the famous Hsipaw to Mandalay train over the Goteik Viaduct. If I had more time I would have spent another day in Bagan and checked out the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda and Golden Rock, Ngapali, Hpa-An, Mrauk-U and Naypyidaw. Guess I will just have to go back!