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Top Caves Around the World for Your Travel Bucket List

why visit caves

With travel you will find yourself open to seeing nature at it finest. There is a whole other world of rock formations and places to explore if you are willing to go underground. Most of the caves listed below are easy and driven by tours and if you find you really love caves you dive into the exploration via diving or spelunking. Caves have natural beauty and some have incredible history or religious monuments. Once you adjust to the dark your eyes will be forever more open! 

top caves I've been around the world

All of these caves I’ve visited have their own unique vibe and experience. They are listed below in no particular order but you should consider checking them out! 


This tour can be added as part of your experience when visiting Semuc Champey. It is quite the experience as you wade through water, swim in parts and you go through the cave with your own personal candle. Don’t worry because they are never extinguished at the same time so if yours goes out ask a friend and you are back in business. There is a rope that guides you along the route. There are waterfalls where you can climb a rope or ladder. The brave can climb a small rocky area and jump. This isn’t a cave for impressive rock formations, but it is an experience you will never forget.


Known for the Big Room is the largest chamber in North America and in the top 50 largest in the world it is a part of the National Parks in the United States. You can also enter this cave through the natural entrance, and it is the home of many bat species.


Located in Precambrian limestones near Oudtshoorn boasts having the biggest show cave system in Africa and one of the biggest tourist attractions in South Africa. You can choose between two tour types the Standard Tour which is about 1 hour and considered easy without any restrictions or the Adventure Tour which lasts 90 minutes and requires a moderate fitness level and should be avoided by those with claustrophobia or back problems.


This cave is in Kalaw where you may be if you on considering a trek to Lake Inley. It is totally worth checking out. It is full of so many buddha statues. It is a really unique combination of religion and caves. The caves can be a little wet inside.


Discovered in 1878 it is the longest cavern system on the eastern part of the United States. It has been a major tourist attraction ever since. Inside includes many stalagmites, stalactites, mirrored pools and flowstones. The cost of admission includes The Car and Carriage Caravan Museum, Shenandoah Heritage Village and Toy Town Junction. You can also purchase the garden maze or rope course for more fun for the family. This Cavern is close by the Shenandoah National Park.


Limestone cave system that has cave temples and is the most popular Hindu shrines outside of India. It is the glorious site of the Tamil’s Thaipusam festival which is a yearly pilgrimage for Hindus. As this cave is also a temple remember to dress respectfully.


This is the most visited cave in Europe and such a cool experience because you get to ride a train straight through the cave. It is like an amusement park like cave experience because of that but also impressive with its cave formations. This cave area also includes attractions such as the Predjama Castle, Vivarium and Expo Cave Karst. You can purchase just the cave or combination tickets to what you would like to experience. Slovenia is also known for the Skocjan Cave which is a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site as it is among the largest underground canyons worldwide and serves historic and cultural significance as it was inhabited during prehistoric times.


One of the longest cave systems in the world with at least 400 miles of underground terrain and much more to explore. It is part of the National Park System in the United States.  There are so many different pathways and a number of tours to join including the Domes and Dripstone tour, Historic Tour and more.


These caves are the most well-known for glowworms, but a number of other options occur in New Zealand. Exploring this cave includes a boat ride which is pretty incredible. Waitomo is on the North Island of New Zealand and Australia. We ended up at a little cavern near the Pancake Rocks called Punakaiki Caverns which had some glowworms and was free!


The third longest cave system is considered a National Monument in the United States. You have the option of doing a historic lantern, scenic or discovery tour. Jewel Cave derived its name from the calcite crystals that adorn the cave surfaces within this cave system.


It is definitely worth the trip out to explore caves via river tubing while in Belize. About 1-hour drive from Belize City there are several different tour options that include drive out and river tubing. Many of these tour packages offer a combination of river tubing and zip lining if you want to add that on to your adventure. Expect to spend half a day to full day depending on your add-ons for this adventure.


This cave located beneath the prairie lands of South Dakota is one of the longest and most complex caves. It is known for boxwork formations that are rarely found in other caves. It offers a number of different cave tour options including: Garden of Eden, Natural Entrance, Fairgrounds, Candlelight, and Wild Cave tour. Above ground you can enjoy hiking and wildlife viewing (prairie dogs, bison, pronghorns, etc.)


Ice Caves are formed from glacial meltwater and consistently changing. From year to year no ice cave remains the same. The best area to view ice caves is near Vatnajökull National Park. There are a number of ice cave options that will include a drive out on the glacier and guided tours of the ice caves. The great part about ice caves is if you come back in the future your experience is likely to be very different. These are some ice caves in Iceland: Skaftafell Ice Cave, Vatnajökull Ice Caves and Crystal Ice Cave which can be visited between November and April . You can also explore Langjökull Ice Cave which is a man-made cave that can be visited year-round.

More bucket list caves

My days of cave exploring are just beginning. I know there are some iconic ones I still need to check out like Blue Grotto in Italy, Hang Son Soong Cave in Vietnam, Marble Caves in Chile, Mendenhall Ice Cave in Alaska, Fingal’s Cave in Scotland and the list goes on…. Are there any caves you’ve been to I should add to my bucket list?