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Travel Tips During the COVID Pandemic

traveling during COVID

Traveling in the world of COVID can be a daunting and challenging task. Here are some tips for getting you where you are going as safely as possible.

COVID seriously limited the world of traveling but now with the advent of the vaccine and more herd immunity some normalcy is returning to traveling.

travel tips for COVID

Research your Trip

Before booking your trip, please look up to see if the place you are going has any travel restrictions or requirements. You may need to show proof of vaccination or get specific COVID testing and within a certain window. Some countries or areas are not allowing visitors from certain areas so it would be a total shame to not be able to go on the trip because you did not check the regulations. I would recommend checking at the time of booking and then again, the week before your travels to ensure the rules or regulations have not changed.

Get the necessary COVID testing

Get the mandatory COVID testing and within the time frame required based on your destination. There are several different COVID tests (PCR, rapid, etc.) and where you are going may require a specific type of test. Be aware of this and arrange to have the appropriate testing. Some destinations require it within a certain time before departure (example 72 hours) so make sure you time this appropriately. You may also need to get a COVID test to return to your own country. You can look up places for your destination before you leave and/or you can ask as soon as you arrive to ensure you can get your COVID test prior to heading home.

review cancellation and change fees

Check your airline cancellation and change fees. You may also want to consider cancellation and change fees for hotels or accommodation you book. Make sure to read the fine print of traveler’s insurance to ensure you are covering if you get COVID and are unable to travel. Many do not cover for this.

Contracting COVID while traveling

If you get ill or get COVID while traveling, you need to be aware of the costs of this. You will likely have to stay in the country you are visiting and in isolation for 10 days prior to being able to go home. You may incur fees for changing or missing your flight.  In your mind, budget for if you get sick and must stay for this additional time and remember you may have to just stay in your hotel until you are medically clear so bring a book or things you may need for working remotely if that is the case. Also consider the healthcare available in the area if you become more ill or require medical attention. Consider getting travel health insurance and make sure to read the fine print to see if they cover for COVID.

COVID before travel plans

If you recently were diagnosed with COVID, you may be exempt from testing if you receive a medical document stating immunity. This typically lasts for 90 days since the diagnosis of COVID. Make sure to check with the country you are traveling to if they except this form or exemption or still require a COVID test for entry. Remember your COVID test can remain positive for some time after recovery from COVID.

Practice hygiene

Practice good hygiene on the plane. Many airlines are handing out sanitizer wipes, but some are not so come prepared. You can wipe off commonly touched areas such as vents, tray tables, seatbelt buckles and window shades. For airline travel, you will need a regular mask as most airlines prohibit the use of bandanas, masks with valves or holes, scarves. You will need to be always wearing your mask except for eating and drinking. Bring a travel sized hand sanitizer with you too! Please do not travel if you are ill or with fever. Many airlines are waiving cancellation or change fees, and not only will you enjoy your trip more if you are well, but you will stop the spread of your illness to other passengers. Remember despite all the travel regulations that many people will elect to travel even though they are ill so continue to be your own best health advocate and practice good hand washing and sanitizing.

Enjoy your international vacation

Once you have jumped through all the hoops of getting to your vacation, enjoy! Please adhere to the regulations that are in place where you are traveling.

Travel local

Also, if doing all this seems daunting, remember there are ways to travel in your own country that may require less of this. Consider road trips, camping, national parks, or doing day trips from your home.