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Travel Tips for Planning a Babymoon

What is a babymoon?

A babymoon is a vacation expecting parents take before the arrival of their baby. It is a way for the couple to relax and spend time together before the changes that will come with becoming parents and taking care of a newborn. It is a memorable way to celebrate the journey of pregnancy and of beginning a new chapter in life. 

Where to babymoon

The destination for a babymoon can vary, but it typically involves a peaceful location that is conducive to relaxation. This makes beach resorts, spas and cozy cabin retreats very high on the list. 

Where not to babymoon

Some vacations and activities may simply be more out of the picture when you are pregnant. Typically it is best to avoid high altitude destinations, places with extreme weather or places that require vaccines that may not be recommended during pregnancy. Certain high risk sports may want to be avoided so while you have been dreaming of that ski escape, you won’t see it on many top lists due to the risk of falling pregnant while skiing. Or you have been wanting to scuba some incredible reefs, unfortunately, not allowed during pregnancy. Super remote locations also may not be ideal due to lack of adequate medical facilities if required. Lastly, you may want to consider certain diseases linked with the area and if that should be avoided during pregnancy. 

when to Babymoon

The best time to babymoon is during the second trimester, between weeks 14 and 28 of pregnancy. Typically the risk of complications is lower and morning sickness will diminish. Most consider travel still comfortable during this trimester. Of note, cruise ships will not allow any pregnant person to board who is or will reach 24 weeks of pregnancy during the cruise. Depending on the airline, you may not be able to travel internationally after 28-35 weeks. Domestic air travel is not allowed after 36 weeks. 

Babymoon top destinations

If you start trying to look up lists you will definitely see some significant overlap in the locations that are recommended. 
Hawaii is basically on every list especially from the United States.
Other US destinations that are repeatedly recommended: Nantucket, Cape Cod, Key West, various Florida beaches, Sedona and Tucson Arizona, Vermont, Hilton Head Island, Lake Tahoe, San Diego and so many more. 
Europe is also a fantastic place to visit that is highly recommended. Some top babymoon countries in Europe include Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Iceland and Greece.
Caribbean islands top a lot of other lists. Several years back there was a scare with Zika virus so that is a consideration when choosing from these but some that keep topping the charts include Turks and Caicos, Aruba, Bahamas, Anguilla and St. Lucia but there are so many more to choose from. 
Other more far-flung islands are also on several lists. These include the Maldives, Seychelles, Mauritius, Galapagos Islands, Bora Bora and Fiji.