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Visiting Isla Ometepe in Nicaragua

Isla Ometepe

Ometepe is an island located in Lake Nicaragua. It is comprised of two volcanos. The active Concepción Volcano is in the island’s north while Maderas Volcano is in the south. The volcanos are connected via a flat isthmus between them. Some other key attractions on this island include ancient petroglyphs, Santo Domingo Beach,  Rio Istian, San Ramón Waterfall, Charco Verde,and the natural pools of Ojo de Agua. 

getting to Ometepe

To get to this volcanic island located in Lago de Nicaragua you will need to take a ferry from San Jorge. You likely will start this journey in Grenada where you can catch a minibus to Rivas and then either another bus or taxi to San Jorge. The ferry lands on Ometepe at Moyogalpa. The ferry runs about every hour and takes around an hour. In Moyogalpa, you will be able to catch a shuttle, taxi or bus to whichever village you prefer to stay in.

things to do

Hike the twin peaks of the Concepcion and Maderas Volcano

Concepcion Volcano is the second largest volcano in Nicaragua and is not for the faint of heart. The altitude gets to many hikers and many cannot reach the top of it because of it. This hike is challenging and takes about 10+ hours. You need a guide to hike it. The Volcano Maderas last erupted thousands of years ago and there are three options for hiking up to the top being the most popular and taking around 8 hours. This volcano has much more coverage and can be muddier. 

Kayaking through Istian River

The Rio Istian is a wetlands filled with wildlife. Here you can rent a kayak and explore the area. Tours run around $30 for about 2 hours. You can see monkeys, turtles and more.

San Ramón Waterfall

The hiking the to the San Ramón Waterfall is best during the rainy season. You can elect to  hike the 3.7 km trail which is about a 2 hours or drive up 2.2 miles to parking area and then hike about 30 minutes. It has a small pool you can swim at the bottom.


Visiting the petroglyphs which can be seen in various places around the island but also at El Ceibo Museum.

Charco Verde

You can see howler monkeys at  Charco Verde nature preserve. It offers around 3 trails that are about 4 km in length. It has beautiful black-sand beaches. There is also a lake you can swim in

El Ojo de Agua

A trip is not complete without a visit to these natural springs. El Ojo de Agua and only costs a few dollars. It is quite the retreat.